Luxury Hotels
Monday, September 16, 2024 - Time in Greece: 01:44 - Working Hours - World Time

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Κύριε Διευθυντά,

Σας ευχαριστώ για τη συλλεκτική έκδοση του πολυτελούς εντύπου «Finest Hotels of the World», που μου αποστείλατε. Κάθε προσπάθεια για την προβολή της χώρας μας και του πολιτισμού της σε διεθνές επίπεδο είναι αξιέπαινη, καθώς συμβάλλει στην τουριστική της ανάπτυξη.

Με εκτίμηση
Μαριέττα Γιαννάκου
Υπουργός Εθνικής Παιδείας
και Θρησκευμάτων

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PATA - 13/05/2005

Dear Mr. Sofios,

On behalf of the PATA Foundation and the Board of Trustees, I thank you for your participation in our recent annual fund-raising activity, the 15th PATA Foundation Silent Auction, held at the 54th PATA Annual Conference in Macau.
Congratulations on your winning bids and thank you for your contribution to the PATA Foundation for this worthy cause.
We truly value your help through your donations. We look forward to achieving our objectives with your continued participation in our activities. We would greatly appreciate any additional support from you and/or your company, as the Foundation continues facing new challenges in raising more fund to assist needed projects to sustain region's travel and tourism.
The next PATA Foundation Silent Auction is scheduled to be held in Pattaya, Thailand, in conjunction with the 55th PATA Annual Conference. The full information will be forwarded to you in early 2006. I look forward to your continued support and the pleasure of seeing you at our next event.

Yours sincerely,
David Paulon
Chairman - Foundation Board of Trustees

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Cher Monsieur,

Par courrier en date du 16 mars dernier, vous avez eu 1'aimable pensee d'offrir a Notre regrette Prince Rainier III votre livre intitule The Finest Hotels of the World.
Les circonstances particulieres et douloureuses qui ont accompagne et suivi votre envoi ont conduit malheureusement a differer le soin de vous en accuser reception. Je m'empresse done de pallier a cette bien involontaire lacune.
Je vous prie d'agreer, Cher Monsieur, 1'expression de mes sentiments tres distingues.

Regis Lecuyer,
Conservateur des Archives
du Palais Princier.

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Dear Mr. Sofios,

Thank you for your letter of 16th March addressed to The Queen, enclosing a copy of your organisation's brochure The Finest Hotels of the World.
Your comments have been carefully noted and I am to thank you for taking the time and trouble to write as you did.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Sonia Bonici
Senior Correspondence Officer

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Dear Mr. Sofios,

On behalf of Her Majesty the Queen I should like to thank you for your letter and for sending her a copy of the alluring brochure with the beautiful pictures of 'The Finest Hotels of the World' in Greece.
Your kind gesture is much appreciated.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Anne-Marie Leendertse-Venekamp
Private Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen

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Ricardo Lagos - 06/05/2005

Estimado senor Sofios:

Es grato dirigirme a usted, con el proposito de agradecer el atento gesto que ha tenido al hacerme llegar el libro, "Special Commemorative Edition, The Finest Hotels of The World: The Best of Greece".
Junto con reiterar mis agradecimientos por su gentileza, reciba usted y cada uno de los que hicieron posible esta publicacion, mis mejores deseos y un saludo afectuoso.

Ricardo Lagos

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King of the Belgians - 04/05/2005


I have been directed by His Majesty the King to
acknowledge the receipt of your letter under cover of which you joined your book entitled : "The Finest Hotels of the World".
The King has asked me to convey to you his warmest thanks for this kind gesture and his best wishes for success and happiness.

Sincerely yours,
J. van Ypersele
Private Secretary
to the King of the Belgians

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Labour New Zealand - 29/04/2005

Dear Mr Sofios

Thank-you for sending our office a copy of The Finest Hotels in the World.
The book and your beautiful hotels do indeed highlight the extraordinary heritage and culture of Greece and the Prime Minister will look forward to perusing the brochure and perhaps planning a holiday to your beautiful country.
It is with great pleasure that we pass this book on to the Prime Minister and thank-you again for the kind gesture.

Yours faithfully
Mary Colgan - Electorate Secretary
Electorate Office of PM Helen Clark

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Jamaica House Kingston - 20/04/2005

Dear Mr Sofios,

I acknowledge with thanks your letter of 16th March 2005 and the enclosed brochure entitled "The Finest Hotels of the World".
I hope that one day I will be able to avail myself of a memorable holiday experience in Greece.

Yours sincerely
P. J. Patterson Prime Minister

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Dear Sir/Madam

I write to acknowledge with thanks receipt of Mr Sodios' letter as well as a brochure of 16 March 2005, addressed to President Thabo Mbeki.
The contents thereof have been noted.

With kind regards
Mogotladi Mogano (Ms)
Assistant Private Secretary to the President.

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